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Showing posts from December, 2017

Deep Learning

Deep Learning The human brain has evolved over many, many years, and is one of the most important organs. The brain perceives every smell, taste, sound, and sight. Many decisions are taken by the brain every nanosecond without our knowledge. Having evolved over several thousand years, the human brain has become a very sophisticated complex and intelligent machine .what was not possible even as a dream during the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century has become a child’s play now in terms of technology. Many adult brains can recognize multiple complex situations and take the decision very, very fast because of the evaluation. The brain learns new things very fast now and take decisions quickly, compared to those taken a few decades ago. A human now as access to vast amounts of information and processes a huge amount of data, day after day, and is able to digest all of it very quickly. Our brain is made of approximately 100 billion nerve cells, called neurons, which